Sunday, June 19, 2011

Excursion in Symbio wildlife park

Last Thursday all level 4 went on  excursion in Symbio wildlife Park. It's located on the north of Wollongong. It's a beautiful park with many different animals.

We were about 90 people, we had 2 buses a big coach  and a little bus. Our class took the little one with a nice driver named Willie and we reach there around 10 o'clock.We all had a brief tour of the park. At 11 o'clock they start the show with a wonderful koala, they explain to us a lot about koala's behaviours and habit and then they brought a nice snake and a beautiful possum.
After the show I went to see the kangaroos, I feed them and took a lot of pictures.I was dazzled by the sumatran tiger show and the colourful birds.

It was a terrific day for me because I never been so close with Australian's native animals.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Good posture

 Posture is the way we sit and walk. Good posture is really important for our body, otherwise it can cause  a lot of troubles particularly in our back.

Good posture means walking with your head up and your back straight so the spine can stay normal.But if we slouch that can be lead to serious back problems.
According to some research, kids posture is getting worse and it's says modern technology such as computers, phones, games are to blame. Because we usually lean forward and hunch over when we use them. To avoid bad posture it's important to do exercises as often as possible.

Good posture is really important for our health, that's why I agree with the key message to limit the amount of time spent hunched over keyboard and be active.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Phoebe's fire alarm

Phoebe was sleeping when  some sound from her living room woke her up. It was the fire alarm beeping, so she tried to turn it off but she couldn't find the button  so she removed the fire alarm and put it on table and tried to go back to sleep but the  fire alarm started beeping again. Phoebe took the batteries off but it was still beeping so Phoebe tried to disconect the wire but she couldn't find the good one so she got angry and and smashed the fire alarm and she thought that she did a good job and tried to go to sleep  when she heard again the beeping alarm, so she took the fire alarm wrapped it with her blanket and trow it in the rubbish chute and went back to her flat.
While she was trying to sleep, someone knocked on her door.She was so annoyed by the alarm noise that when she heard the beeping, she thought that the fire alarm knocking on the door and she said'' fire alarm'' but a voice behind the door said''Phoebe buffy''in fact it was the fireman so Phoebe asked him how to turn it off, the fireman told her to just press the reset button.Phoebe was happy to hear that but while she tried to reset the button, she found that the reset button  was broken and sitting on the floor, she was so angry that she screamed as she knows then there was noting she could do to stop the beeping alarm.

About Australia

Australia is an island continent contains just about every type of terrain from coral reef to beaches. Australia is a very big country, Australia is larger in area than western Europe and about same as the mainland United States.
Australia got a very melting pot population and the Aborigines were the first inhabitant, they have their own culture and habits but they represent only 1% of the population.
Australia doesn't border any other country because it's completely surrounded by oceans, that's why it got the most beaches on earth. Australia is home of the most unique animals on earth like kangaroo, koala, wombat, dingo etc.
Australia also got a very famous buildings and places to visit such as the Opera house which is the most representative building in Australia and has built from 1966 to 1973, it's over looks by the harbour bridge.The Great Barrier Reef with 2000 km long were you can find very nice diving spots, Uluru which is the largest single block rock in the world and also a sacred land for Aboriginal.In NSW,Victoria there is the Australia alps because this area receive more snow in winter than Switzerland, there are a number of ski field. Australia also got the largest dessert in the world outside the Sahara which is called outback. 
All of this make Australia a very special country.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Health expo at Saint George Tafe

Last Wednesday a health and lifestyle expo  was organized by the students association, It was a very rich day because of the number of different things  which were exhibited. In fact there were loads of exhibitors like Australian Hearing, Kidney Health Australia, Dental service, Isagenix, Australian Red Cross etc.

I talked to three or four of the exhibitors and I learnt a lot about kidney disease.  For example, what is kidney disease ?  who are more at risk, what are the signs, what is the treatment . I found all this information extremely useful. I also spoke to the dental service and they let me know that it's free for kids as well for adults if they have a centrelink health card .Things I was ignorant of before.

I was really impressed  by the variety of  food from different countries and also  the  friendly climate between students while they sold the raffle tickets.

To sum up I think it was a successful and useful day because it was very rich in advertising about diseases , fitness, natural medicines and health food. It was  also a lucky  day for me because I won a beautiful ipod in the raffle.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Earth Hour

I never heard  Earth Hour until I come here so  I never celebrate it but from now I join and  promise to celebrate every year.
I think the target of Earth Hour is in 1 hour during all the year we join our thought and switch off all the light for just one hour  trying to make a difference, trying to make better environment,better world , trying to make a deeply peace around all the world and also a special thought to those people who had dark hours in their life.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My weekend

I passed a busy weekend. On Saturday morning I went to my dentist in Bansktown to finish my dental treatment after I went home and prepared a special meal  from my country because my nieces came over  night for the weekend , after lunch we went visit a friend and came back home at around 8 pm and we watched movies until midnight then we went bed.
On Sunday after breakfast I cleaned up the house and then I cooked Rice and fish who is our national dish. After lunch we went to the park until 6 pm and then with my husband we gave them a lift to their house in South coogee and reached home at about 7:30, I had a quick dinner , tided up the restroom, revise my lessons and then went bed at 11: 30.
However my  weekend was pretty busy but I really enjoyed being with my nieces.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hi Gordana,
Just a brief general text about my holiday, in fact I went visiting many beaches like Maroubra Beach, Coogee Beach,Bondi Beach etc but the best day was when I went with my family in Jambaroo, I really enjoyed this day, It was wonderful playing games all day with my daughter and husband.
I also went to Olympic Park to celebrate the Australia day, and I really was dazzled by the diversity of thinks found there like ponies, women disguised as a seventeenth centuries fashion, a loads of jump castles and of course a multicultural concert during all day, the best moment was at the end with the marvelous fire works at 9 o'clock.
My holiday was full of discovery and I was delighted by all the new thinks.